Dostępny Home copy of Disney Stitch Magnesy na lodówkę "Zrób to sam" 79345PTR zł22.00 Spiderman logo Spiderman power View
Dostępny Home copy of Disney Stitch Magnesy na lodówkę "Zrób to sam" 79086PTR zł22.00 black silver View
Dostępny Home copy of Disney Stitch Magnesy na lodówkę "Zrób to sam" 79123PTR zł22.00 Ariel Vaiana View
Dostępny Home copy of Disney Stitch Magnesy na lodówkę "Zrób to sam" 79352PTR zł22.00 Dark side Light side View
Dostępny Home copy of Disney Stitch Magnesy na lodówkę "Zrób to sam" 79109PTR zł22.00 Buzz Astral Szeryf Chudy View
Dostępny Home copy of Disney Stitch Magnesy na lodówkę "Zrób to sam" 79116PTR zł22.00 Pumba Timon View
Dostępny Home copy of Disney Stitch Magnesy na lodówkę "Zrób to sam" 79147PTR zł22.00 Elsa Salamandra View
Dostępny Creating Fridge Magnets 03508PTR zł20.00 girls dino omg space Fridge magnets. Create individual multicolourful glitter magnets for yourself or friends. Package contents: 10 pieces of coloured foil, 4 magnets. How to create: remove the white paper from the magnet, place the foil with the colourful part upwards on the magnet with the adhesive layer, press the foil onto the magnet, remove the remaining foil.... View
Dostępny Creating Fridge Magnets 36957PTR zł20.00 music horse love moto Fridge Magnets - Create individual multicolour glitter magnets for yourself or friends. Contents: 10 pieces of coloured foil, 4 magnets How to create: remove the white paper from the magnet, place the foil with the coloured part upwards onto the magnet with a layer of glue, press the foil onto the magnet, remove the remaining foil and repeat the... View
Dostępny MICKEY MOUSE Fridge Magnets Colorino Disney Mickey Mouse 89915PTR zł22.00 Fridge magnets - 4 different shapes - set of colourful foils - package dimensions: 19x21 cm - instructions: * remove white paper from the magnet * put the foil (the colorful side up) on the magnet with a layer of glue * Press the foil to the magnet * remove the remaining foil * repeat steps with remaining colours *Donald and *Pluto : View
Dostępny Creative Set Plaster Fridge Magnets 36865PTR zł46.00 Plaster Magnets A unique nature pack for creating plaster fridge magnets. Let your imagination run wild and create unique glow-in-the-dark creatures. The set includes: - a mould for plaster - gypsum - 6 paints - brush - glow-in-the-dark paint - magnets - instructions Add to basket